Title to JOA's ARCHERGON Consultancy

LINK TO VIDEOS, PAGES and LECTURES by clicking on highlighted words: 1. VIDEO for Geraint Franklin BIO Booklaunch 06.04.2022



Zoom Lecture by John Outram titled "Unfinished Business" to the Cambridge Architectural Apprentices "Mid Day 10th September 2021:

"Winning the Peace":

"INTO THE VOID: an essay concerning (page 16 onwards), the installation of a City Quarter as an Act of War.

Symbol of the War of the Arts of Peace

The meaning of the symbol above is discussed in Pages 18 & 19 of Volume Two "SPRING", Lecture Thirty-One: "A Flowering".

If, as Hannah Arendt advised that Heidegger proposed: "the ultimate purpose of life is The Thinking of the Truth of Being", then this can be easily achieved by the use of the Medium of Architecture. There is a convenience to this route because Architecture is the only such Medium that allows the heartbeats of the vita activa to continue without interrupting the iconic cerebrations of the vita contemplativa. Architecture permits quotidian life, with its diverse imperatives, to continue uninterrupted. If the further stage, the 'Becoming the Truths of Being' is desired then Architecture becomes essential. For that stage requires the addition of the Media ofRitual.

The 3 volumes of 44 Lectures in a Kelim bag on a cloth from Mendoza, Argentina

This is a picture of the three hardback volumes of the Printed materials that form the scripts which all those who wish to operate the Outramoderne must read and understand.

APPENDICES relating to the" War of the
Arts of Peace" . This is the general title of my
"44 lectures'.' The lectures attempt a theorisation of the forty-four years of the
John Outram Associates bureau's
work (1974- 200 8). It is composed both to serve as the year-long Academic Course that I hope will one day read as the diary of a military campaign around an oxymoron: the/a "War of the Arts of Peace"
WINTER is when one reviews the early engagements and prepares the ideas and devices necessary for the annual campaign. SPRING is for smaller exercises and expeditions designed to test the theories developed concerning the Ordine Robotico and surface scripting (legible decoration),
during the dark months, SUMMER is the time one sallies forth to attempt major conquests, such as on the scale of City-Planning.
Appendix One: Breaking Taboos.
AppendixTwo: The Sixth Order. Appendix 03 The End of Urbanity.
Appendix04: Escape. Appendix05: Limbo. Appendix06: Tricorso. Appendix07: Babuino. Appendix08: Deco. Appendix09: Taboo.

Appendix10: Symptom. Appendix11: Which Cargo? Appendix12: Something. Appendix13: Prefab Polity. Appendix14: Zomby ArmyAppendix15: Photolithic. Appendix16: Raft of Advent. Appendix 17: Jaws of Death. Appendix 18: Machine. Appendix19: Ord Robotico. Appendix20: Writing. Appendix 21: Talking Ordine Appendix22: Unveiling. Appendix23: Spaces of Appearance. Appendix 24: Demol Derby. Appendix25: Fiat Nihil. Appendix26: Back to Begin. Appendix27: Beaux A Weave Appendix28: Write Outside. Appendix29: Founding Rites Appendix30: Camera Lucida Appendix31: Flowering. Appendix32: Lost Progress. Appendix33: Living Robots. Appendix34: Handy Square. Appendix35: Recover Progr Appendix36: Urban Flesh. Appendix37: Swallowing B. Appendix38: Digesting Batt. Appendix39: Tall Order. Appendix40: 50 Yr Problem. Appendix41: Republic Vally Appendix42: Westfield. Appendix43: Training Camp Appendix44: Olympiad.




CREDITS: The Headline Typeface is "TOKYO DRIFTER" at ICONIAN FONTS designed by Daniel Zhodorofsky.


The "3 CHORA" propose, in the interests of "Planetary Stabilisation", the gradual abolition of the "Countryside" and its replacement by the generalised Land Uses of "Savagery", "Husbandry" and "Urbanity".



The ambition is to replace the "rurban" territory canonised by the Nordic-Geraminic-Anglo-American Design Ethos of the last seven decades with one (furiously updated beyond my Professions corrupted, but nevertheless brain-dead imagination), that resembles that of 19C France and Italy. This is one in which every modest 'city' has its "woods" (Savagery), and its fields amd pastures (Husbandry), attached to its putatively Roman and anciently walled lifespace (Urbanity). Covid has initiated the flight from the big cities. now almost completely ruined by my own Profession's servile adoption of this Post-WW2 ethos of the open-plan landscape of "meaningless pleasures".


Its sexy for an humane world governed by civilised values, to be situated in the bosom of a world that operates acCording to the ever-more transparent 'meanings' of Natural Law. It is comforting to know that the domains of "Nature", exquisitely savage though they are, have not been reduced to a merely "Picturesque Parkdom" by the (now trivial because Post-Machiavellian), practices of "country sports". The saddest of which (because most ruinous of 'Nature'), is childless Nordic Women taking their 'dog' for a sniff and chase of the local Forest Fauna. The Chora of "Savagery" should be 'off limits' to any such casual human intrusions and expanded to the largest extent while being connected-up with wild-life corridors.


The lands devoted to "Husbandry" and "Urbanity" wil, while being reduced to their minimum, 'float' within this unified matrix of Savagery. Husbandry and Urbanity will be connected, in the main, by bridges and tunnels over and under the Chora of Savagery. The Human population should, in a proportion which is not fixed by anything except the practicalities of the two "island cultures", be accommodated within the "Chora of Urbanity".


This will entail rescuing "Urbanity" from the deathly grip of the "Meaninglessness" prescibed by the Post-WW2 Architectural Ethic that ALL of the Leaders of the "Professions of the Land" since 1945 (without any exceptions), have been busily imposing upon what remained of our cities since that time. "Urbanity" will have to entirely reverse the ontological destruction visited upon it during my own lifetime, a destruction which continues (as with the latest Stuart Lipton "shiner" at 200 Bishopsgate), without any signs of relief.


I was part of the pre-Thatcherite "Green Movement" . It was after reading a French book on soil degradation that I joined the "Alternative Technology" unit in the Architectural Association way back in 1968. I would bicycle over from by four years in the office of Louis de Soissons (where I learnt how to built and administer a contract. My four years in the LCC/GLC were useless to that end. I simply ran through all the possible ways of designing "housing", ending with the Terrace (Row) house. This was refused by Jack Whittle. the GLC No. 2 i/c as "What Londoners had come from". They should have been so lucky! Terrace houses are worth millions today whereas the Whittle pre-fabs are junk. I look at Green Technology today, in 2022 and there is nothing today that we were not talking-about then. It has been a great political achievement to realise it.


This History lacks, however, a strategic component. It was clear to everyone, back in the 1960s , that there was no "Green Culture". The Consumerist Culture was just getting up steam. Ten years earlier, on July 7th 1957, Harold McMillan had proposed, after six years of Conservative Party government: "Our People have never had it so good". Then, the snap 1966 election called by Harold Wilson raised the majority of the Labour government of Harold Wilson from 2 to 98. But it was only four years later, on June 19th 1970 that Wilson fell, taking George Brown and Jennie Lee with him.


Heath headed a 1970 Conservative landslide which lasted right through to the advent of Margaret Thatcher on May 4th 1979 and then Ronald Reagan on Nov 4th 1980. Milton Friedman provided the ontological foundations for this period and Architecture finally descended to "AEC". Architecture was the fairy on top of the Christmas tree whose fruits had been seeded back in the "Summer of 1947" by the Labour-Landslide cultural blueprint described in the H.M.S.O. booklet "The Redevelopment of Central Areas".


Architecture had become the Cabaret after the Main Event which was to drive into a multi story parking garage to meet your free-enterprise date to eat a gourmand dinner before repairing to ones "open plan" pied a-terre "au centre" for some equally monetised free-enterprise "meaningless sex". In short a a permanently inflated souffle of fetish purchases motivated into a tsunami of taxable revenue by an 'Architecturally-induced' (viz. the 1947 "Redev of Cent. areas"), "anomie". There has never existed a more devilishly devised polity to enrich the States that install it, or one more likely to sacrifice long term to short term happiness. Indeed the English Revenue has recently commissioned a specialist unit to collect taxes due from the ever-increasing revenues of the victims of the hookup culture who slide, with a few alcoholic stumbles, into the deathly grip of its professional monetisation.


"All that is solid melts into air" is, according to Susan Keene, a quote from Marx and Engels' Communist Manifesto re-quoted and made currently famous by the late Post-Modern Sociologist Jean Baudrillard. It referred, in 1847 to the cultural deracination consequential to the upscaling of the adoption of an urban religion by large numbers of peasants.


Marx, Engels, Baudrillard and all such mere scribblers have never understood urbanisation as a religion in the sense of "re" meaning" go over again and again" and "ligere/legere" meaning "bind, tie-down" and even "read" in the sense of decrypt and decipher so as to understand. This is because they have no knowledge either of the sorts of work necessary to "urbanity" nor of their ability "put ideas to work". Such pursuits lie outside the stiflingly narrow intellectual exercises of the exhaustively "literate"- essential though these are to cognitive agility.


They see urbanisation as the symptom of the disease of deracination. Whereas, as Lacan proposes when he says "the symptom is the cure", this cure is not merely THE cure, but the consummation of rustic deracination is precisely the "freedom to be" gifted by a successful Urbanisation.


So far as I know, from sixty- five years in Architecture (which has always included EVERYTHING), urbanity has never been understood as either the Modernist, or Post-Modernist cure for ontological anomie. Yet every and any building, especially a large urban one the size of a city-block is an act of violence that defeats all attempts to gainsay it. Such objects do not as Baudrillard complains "melt into Air". Nor as that pathetically powerful 1947 document" The Redevelopment of Central Areas" tried to prescribe, can any building be rendered iconically uncommunicative.


The absolute prohibition and taboo on Meaning in Architecture", as Dean John Walkden communicated to us 1955 Neophytes, cannot be enforced. For what his advice actually MEANT , when he told us that "Architecture is no longer a literary (aka. literate), subject", was that the "good life" of the New Welfare State Consumerdom was to be lived as MEANING-FREE. The "Open Plan" lifespace, advised by the Post WW2 ethic of the West, taboos enclosure, axiality, quadration, vectorisation, picture planes, proscenia and indeed every recognisable device of what can still be understood to be consequent upon the use of an "Ordine" or Architectural Order. Every tool, capable of realising the marvellously paradoxical and counter-intuitive metaphysical capability of the powerful physical medium of Building, was forbidden.


The West was terrified by the shadows cast by WW1 and WW2...even though these were now cast by the incalculable illumination of the H-Bombs which have proved to have preserved my own and subsequent generations from the enthusiasms of the happily extinct "Warrior Class". Hegel's "slaves", as he argued, have "changed the World" and outlasted their desperate 'masters'..


The possibility of the employment of a "carnally scripted" Urbanity' as the cure of the Baudrillardian anomies has remained since this time, entirely lively. Today, after sixty years, as an experienced "worker" in the epiphanic reification of ideas, one can say that the technique (which I denote the "Tricorso"), is confirmed, by its construction in the USA, Britain and Europe, as practical at every mundane level . The work of my Bureau had proved by the turn of the last century that it is possible to install a solid , non-melting culture of a "religious" vitality that is entirely free of any "order" that is not deliberately, rationally and openly inscribed.


It is the post-WW2 refusal of meaning within the all-enveloping quotidan "space of appearances" that renders the preceding . paragraph impossible to effect on the scale required for its success. The "unmelting solidity" which Marx and Baudrillard pretend to mourn is neither composed of the physicality of steel and concrete, nor can such" lost solidity" result solely from the metaphysical meanings carried by the ornaments and decorations of Architecture.


It is the heroic MARRIAGE of the. existential durability of BUILDING with the "essential" ineredicability of the "TRUTH OF BEING" that births Architecture's huge power - greater than that of any other medium. Architecture can build-in ideas that are structured into iconic narratives. When these are both lived-in physical ly as well as mentally rehearsed, then these Urbane Devotees will be able to "metaousis" their way out of their urbane confinements, beautiful and significant though they may be, into the more generous and carnally-authenticated under-standing that is the ambition of Hannah Arendt's "houran".


To build-in and practice such a culture at the scale of a city-quarter, as described in the third book "Summer" of my 44 lectures and then to go further and add other such Quarters to it to form some larger entity is to practice the ambition to escape from cultural "roots" that were never anything more than "circumstantial", into a cultural condition whose aspiration is to be founded on one's best shot at a continuously updated "Truth to Being".










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